SIRIUS 3550-48-B-1.5C-M-SD-300RCB
- Cycle life may vary if the module is to be operated continuously outside a temperature range of -10⁰C to 55⁰C, and/or at C-rates higher than the maximum charge/discharge rate specified in this spec sheet. Please consult Kilowatt Labs or its Reseller prior to deploying the module in such applications.
- Projected Cycle life of supercap cells.
- Additional terms and conditions, including a limited warranty, will apply at the time of purchase.
- Projected Calendar life of supercap cells from the date of first operation.
- Shelf life is the life of the module (in years) from the date it is manufactured to the time it is first operated.
- Self-discharge for the module is 2% per month if idle (not charging or discharging) AND in Sleep Mode (switched off). If the module is not in sleep mode, then self-discharge may vary depending on ambient temperature.
- CE certification is completed for supercap cells.